My fairly new planted tank
Tank size: 6x2x2
Filtration: 2x canisters
Lighting : 8x 3ft t5HO
Heating: 2x 300W
Substrate: DIY mix capped with sand
Plants: Swords, anubias, crypts, various java fern types, red tiger lotus, gold rush
Fish: Angel, Neon tetra, Glolight tetra, Silver tip tetra, Black neon tetra, Clown loach, Dwarf loach, Siamese algae eater, Cories, Peppermint bristlenose, Paradise fish, Apisto, i think thats it lol...
Angel Haven
Tank size: 6x2x2
Filtration: 2x canisters
Lighting : 8x 3ft t5HO
Heating: 2x 300W
Substrate: DIY mix capped with sand
Plants: Swords, anubias, crypts, various java fern types, red tiger lotus, gold rush
Fish: Angel, Neon tetra, Glolight tetra, Silver tip tetra, Black neon tetra, Clown loach, Dwarf loach, Siamese algae eater, Cories, Peppermint bristlenose, Paradise fish, Apisto, i think thats it lol...
Angel Haven